Not a lot of updates on this end. It's still the same old story with me here and Sonia stateside waiting to find out if and when she can come back. That's really the giant question mark right now. So we just wait and see. And all of the while, I'm still here in Burkina. But I celebrated Easter (Pâques), managed to turn 31, am biking like crazy (+100km a week) and I'm trying my best to advance a handful of activities in-progress. The major activity du jour is still the giant Onion grant working with USADF. It would be a lot of coordinating and computer work from a desk in America. Now imagine doing this from a remote West African village(s) with a mountain bike and a cellphone that barely gets reception. Brings new meaning to "logistical issues".
On a lighter side, this last month has provided some interesting photo ops I wanted to share. None of this was staged, I promise. Just good ol' point and shoot action.

Café and the little kitten. Already best buds. I think I see love in those eyes.

Mocha using our table as her new bed.

Obama brothers. This was just too good to pass up. What's with the Union Jack sleeves you ask? I have no idea! Check out the belt buckle on the right.

Snake season. I saw three of these little suckers in the same week. Apparently they are pretty dangerous. Didn't stop the kids from smacking this one dead with a stick.

Sacred Caimen about 6km from my house. Apparently he is just waiting for food to drop in his mouth. A little like catching snowflakes on your toungue.

Onions in gunny sacks kind of look like...

Yeah you guys, come here. Look. WATER!.
Well, that is all from the Land of Upright People. I need to be getting back to village and see if the kids watered my trees.
Et pour nos amis du Québec, bonjour à tout le monde. J'espère que vous aurez la chance a voir la petite Sonia pendant son séjour chez vous. Je suis très jalouse que elle a eu la chance pour vous visiter. Et pour être en Beauce/Québec/Montréal pendant le printemps. Je hâte d'aller au Canada aussi (très bientôt). On va beaucoup causer, danser et boire quelque Molson Canadian ensemble (bien sur avec toi Sebas). Tu va trouver que je peux plus parler francais mais au même temps que l'accent ouest Africain est beaucoup différente des Québecers. Et bien sur les Beaucerons. A plus.