February 12, 2008

Our house / notre maison

So, this is it. This is where we live. It's a two room house made of banco (mud) with cement inside. We have an enclosed porch with a hangar. The volunteer that was there before us planted some Moringa trees (look these up, they are incredible), and I have since planted two papaya trees. This picture is a month old or so, and the trees have all grown quite a bit.

All is well. Just thought we'd share a quick picture. Quite a bit different than our place in Portland. But it's quaint. It's home for the next two years.


Josh and Nicora said...

that place looks awesome. I'm pretty excited by the fact that you have rocking porches/patios at both your houses. Are you still throwing a St. Paddy's day party? :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Josh and Nicora--a good looking abode. And it's sunny, here it is rain, rain, rain.

We'll hoist a Harps at Kell for you two.

Ed (One of the Dads)