April 21, 2008

30 years gone by...

Another decade come and gone. Turning the big 3-0 in Africa. Wow! Who would have thunk it? Worth pondering this milestone, and what lies ahead, over a cold beer. Ah, refreshing. Okay, now onto the next decade.(editors note: did you catch the Deschutes Brewing shirt I'm wearing? Oh how I miss Black Butte Porter!)
Well, it's really heating up here. It's like we're living in Phoenix (or on the sun), but about 10 degrees hotter, and there's no A/C, fans or cold anything. Like a disco inferno, minus the disco. We have never sweated this much in our lives. It's like every moment we're getting out of the pool, we dry off, and we're immediatemy soaked again. We hear this heat wave only lasts for a month or so, so just need to hold on 3 MORE WEEKS. Good lord.


Anonymous said...

Hello! I am a blog reader from the Philippines. You have a beautiful site. It is worth visiting.

Shanghai Round One said...

Happy B-Day Ryan. You've lost some weight, holy cow! It's almost May here and we are just getting out of winter. It snow last weekend on the mountain.



Anonymous said...

Looks like you're still in a pretty good mood for a guy getting 'old'. Just thought I'd let you know Deschutes opened a pub in the Pearl District this week. I had a Black Butte Porter from the source last night. Take care, Phil

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia and Ryan. Brian, Abe and I have been thinking about you guys lately. You guys look great, and appear to be handeling the weather nicely. I want to send you a little care package, so drop me a note and let me know if there is anything you especially need. Take care, Michelle

PS Happy Birthday Ryan!!