February 21, 2009

Sonia wéné yé? (Where is Sonia?)

N wéné ameriki ne.

Sadly, Sonia is in America having her SECOND hip/leg surgery. Please send her good thoughts for a speedy recovery so she can come back to Africa ASAP. Ryan is staying in village to keep things going while she's away. Solo is definitely not as much fun as dynamic duo.

And yes, this is surely the last time I'll make the comment to her, "now that you're 30, don't go breaking a hip on me now". Who would have known?

"Ba ema lala Ecéma!!!"

Otché Bationo (aka Ryan)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sonia is in Portland and had a very successful operation to repair the bone in her hip. Thank you Dr. Hans Moller!
