October 1, 2007

The Adventure Begins!

We are packed and ready to go. First stop, Philadelphia? Hey wait, that's not in Africa. Is it?

We're headed to Philly first to get immunized to the gills and the orientation scoop. Then we're taking the train to New York to catch our flight(s) to Burkina Faso (via Paris and Niger). With any luck we should touch town in HOT Ouagadougou on October 5th. We won't likely have Internet access right away, but will sneak away to the Internet cafe as soon as we can to let you now we've made it.

Who knows what the next 2 1/2 years will have in store? Africa, here we come!


Anonymous said...

Best of luck, guys.
Take care.
Alberto Escobedo

Unknown said...

OK, so we need to understand the centigrade thing--so is 40 degrees really cold, I thought you said it was real hot there!! What is it--I need to google how to do the formula.

Seriously, we love you and admire your contribution to the world.

Dad and Mary

Unknown said...

Sitting in Java Vivance and thinking of you both. I know you're both working with new climate, food, language and friends--back here on the home front, we're behind you 100%--more crystal light will be on the way soon--will use the $45 box!!
