October 16, 2007

News from Ouahigouya

Things are going well. It has been almost 2 weeks now since we arrived. We are slowly adjusting to the heat and food. I stress, SLOWLY. Sonia and I are each staying in different cities for the next two month, but we get to see each other each week. I am staying with a fairly well to do businessman in the city while she is roughing it out in the local village 10KM from here. I visited here this past weekend and can confirm that she is in good hands.

Not much else to report at the moment. I can't stress that despite the extreme poverty, the Burkinabe people are very nice and welcoming. The heat here is pretty brutal at around 100 - 105 everyday, and it stays pretty warm throughout the night.

More updates to come and evertually pictures.

Here is our running wish list is internested in sending a care package, as a lot of things are really hard to come by here: (with a few updates)

Instant packets of anything (especially the instance Crystal Light, Gatorade and Teas)
Dried fruit packs from Trader Joes
Small jams from restaurants
Small ketchup, mustard or Taco Bell sauce packets
Instant oatmeal packets
Ground coffee
Flavored mini non refridgerated coffee creamers
Seasoning packets (taco, sauces, etc.)
Little fly paper rolls
Pictures of you, us, people, etc.
Good thoughts

Ryan Gallagher, PCT
c/o Corps de la Paix Americain
01 B.P. 6031 Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso
(West Africa)


Christie said...

HI Ryan and Sonia- good to hear from you! Can't wait to hear more. I will try to send you a package soon- do you like powdered Gatorade? Love, Christie, Lee and Baby Sydney (now sitting up on her own, and eating baby cereal and sweet potatoes!)

Unknown said...

Hi Ryan--
A supply of Crystal Light and Purell should be in the capital by now.
Great hearing from you.
Burkina Faso was mentioned on the news today, can't remember which radio program, anyway, they are now officially on the UN Security Council in a rotating position--for atleast a year. I do feel more secure having some African country representation--maybe it will be a more peaceful world.

Unknown said...

Oh yes, do you think a magazine subscription would get to you once you have a permenant location?

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys - Just wanted to let you know Brian and I had our baby on October 5th, his name is Abram and he weighed 8 lb 3 ounces. He is doing well, we are follow up on his heart condition, but so far so good. Anyway, we miss you guys and are thinking of you. We would be happy to send a package of some goodies. Take care, Michelle and Brian Dasso

RYAN + SONIA said...

great. all of that would be fantastic. Gatorade packets rock. thank you guys so much. also any magazine cut outs or pictures of yourselves or things from the US. anything would be great. miss you

RYAN + SONIA said...

Christie, finally I get to reply to you! I was running out of time yesterday. There are tons of little things that we could use in hte next 2 years for sure: crystal light pakts, oatmeal, trail mix (the one from costco is awesome), luna bars, pens, good spices, wet ones antibacterial wipes, gum (extra winterfresh, mint, etc), cereals(cheerios, honey bunches of oats, smart start), craisins, pankake mix, smoked salùon from oregon, cashews, granola, purell(the 1oz bottles are much easier to carry). For now that's it. Postcards and pictures of oregon/portland, of you! thanks sooo much! miss hanging out!