November 4, 2007

Bon Dimanche!

Hello everyone. the temperture is actually cooling off a bit. Last night I actually felt a little chilly for the first time, if you can believe that.

Things are going well. We're about half way through training at this point. This week on Thursday, we travel to Ouagadougou to find out or official site placement. We are both pretty anxious to find out where we are going to be spending the next two years.

Otherwise, not a lot to report. We have classes for language, technical training, health and culture 6 days a week. Sonia has been learning Moore, while I have been working on the French. All seems to be going well. Depending on where we get placed in the country, we could have to learn yet another language for the local village.

We actually had a Halloween party last week for a much needed moment of US reality.

That's all this week from Burkia Faso. Hope all is well back home whereever that might be.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great photos, if you didn't get them, e-mail me and I'll forward for Ryan and Sonia.

What's the plan for Thanksgiving?

We love you two!!
