December 4, 2007

Sonia de Sissamba

sonia de Sissamba
Originally uploaded by gally420
After 2 months in village, Sonia has left her host family in Sissamba (or as I call it, Sissysamba). Training is almost over and we swear-in Friday. Then on to the next adventure... this time for 2 years. Stay tuned for more to come.

PS. it rained a little today.


Anonymous said...

Ryan and Sonia - aka our nicknames: Abu and Tou - congratulations on another graduation which probably didn't include motorboards. We're excited you will be celebrating Christmas....we have a package enroute, sent 2 weeks ago, but maybe it will make Easter! Enjoy the warm beer, new friends, and pork! Love Mary

Anonymous said...

Abu and Tou--great hearing from you. We just got back from a trip, so we're just catching up on messages, blogs, etc. We're picking up Becky Jean this weekend since I-5 has been closed from the big storm.

Congrats on graduating again. P Corps. mentioned in the political campaign--Obama said he would expand support and let more people volunteer--good PR regardless of who one might vote for come Nov. 08.

Ducks are going to a bowl, can't remember which one, better than nothing. OSU beat us at home--ouch, but the team took them to double overtime with--get this--6th string QB. Never give up!!

Enjoy the beer, the other white meat, and watch out, you may come back Catholics!! Love, Dad