Ryan and I had our 'swear in' ceremony on Dec. 7th at the US Ambassy, here in Burkina. We met the Ambassador, the Ministre d'Etat et de la Sante, etc. There were a couple hundred people invited. My host dad even came to the ceremony, which was really cool. I did a speach in Lyélé, the local language we'll be speaking in our village. On Saturday, we went shopping downtown Ouaga(the capital) to get some basis stuff for our house. We had the best time trying to find a taxi that would take a 2 place mattress, us, and the rest of our stuff across town to the PC office. It was quite the adventure, but we made it!
Ryan has been at our site since Sunday. I'll be joining him on Friday, after a 2 day workshop with my counterpart. I can't wait to see our house, meet our neighbors and tour the village. Maintenant en francais. After all, french is the national language in Burkina and all of our messages have been in english!
Ryan et moi avons prevu passer les Fetes dans notre village. Il y a une grande population de catholique au village, alors les gens célèbrent définitivement Noel. On a hate de voir et participer aux célébrations! Mais la buche de Noel, les Jos Louis mison, la tourtiere du lac St-Jean, la neige et les patés a la viande vont beaucoup nous manquer! Nous allons etre avec vous en penséés par contre!
Alors on souhaite un bon temps des Fetes a tout le monde, de la santé et de la joie dans vos coeurs!
Congrats, you two! I've really enjoyed reading about your adventures. Best of luck in the coming year!
hey. cool blog. how long are you going to be there? i'll be coming there in march and will be up north around tougan and farther north and east. then i'll be coming back later in the year for a month or two and will be around the lyele area some. well...i guess that's not an area really...but where the people speak that language. i'm looking forward to see how you guys get on up there.
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